Python BootCamp :

Duration : 15 Days (Full time/Part time)

Module 1 Introduction to Python, Data Types, Quotations

  • Python Interpreter and its Environment
  • Python 3.x : Background, Relevance
  • Numbers
  • Strings
  • Declaration of variables

Module 2 Conditional statements/Control Structures

  • If Statements
  • While construct
  • For Statements
  • Break and continue Statements, and else clauses on Loops
  • Pass Statements

Module 3 Python basic data structures

  • Arrays, Lists and Tuples
  • Dictionary and Sets
  • List and array slicing

Module 4 Functions

  • Local variables
  • Default Argument Values
  • Returning Values
  • Keyword & Positional Arguments
  • Arbitrary Argument Lists
  • Documentation Strings
  • Unpacking Argument Lists
  • Lambda Expressions

Module 5 Functional Programming

  • Lambda Forms
  • list comprehension
  • isalpha
  • map
  • apply
  • reduce
  • filter

Module 6 File handling and other OS interactions

  • Creating and Opening a File
  • Reading from a file, writing to a file (variations)
  • Closing a File
  • Handling csv files

Module 7 Modules

  • Executing modules as scripts
  • The Module Search Path
  • Building modules
  • Running a module from the command line  -m
  • ‘Compiled’ Python files( .pyc )
  • Standard Modules
  • The dir() Function

Module 8 Introduction to OOP

  • Class Definition Syntax
  • Implication of self
  • Class Objects, Instance Objects, Method Objects; Instantiation
  • Constructor & Deconstructor
  • Inheritance
  • Data Member – Class variable/Instance Variable

Module 9 Exceptions

  • Handling Exceptions
  • try-except
  • else clause
  • finally clause
  • Raising Exceptions
  • User-defined Exceptions

Module 10 Supplementary Topics

  • closure
  • basic debugging
  • pickle ( binary files )
  • File compression & decompression
  • OS, SYS and  PPRINT modules

Module 11 Regular expressions

  • What is regular expression?
  • Matching characters
  • Compiling regular expressions
  • Meta characters like quantifiers, anchors, character classes, alternator etc.
  • Strings and Slices
  • Modifying Strings
  • Use of triple quotes
  • Repetition
  • Group extraction and Substitution

Module 12  MsExcel – Python interface

  • Which module is needed?
  • Installation of module
  • Read and Write operations covering different Python data structures

Module 13

Multi-threaded Programming

  • Starting a New Thread
  • The Threading Module
  • Creating Thread Using Threading Module

REST API access

* working with JSON

* using urllib3

* accessing urls with urllib3

* using requests module

* GET,POST using requests module

Module 14 Mysql

  • Mysql: DDl,DMl,DRL,constraints
  • CRUD operations for a sample set of schemas.

Module 15 PANDAS

              * Getting Started

              * Series

              * Data Frames

* Read CSV

* Read JSON

* Analysing Data

Module 16 NUMPY

* Getting Started

* Creating Arrays

* Array Indexing

* Array Slicing

* Data Types

* Copy vs View

* Array Shape

* Array Reshape

* Array Iterating

* Array Join

* Array Split

* Array Search

* Array Sort

* Array Filter